Maternal Nutrition While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers should take care to eat well and drink plenty of water. The key to a good diet while breastfeeding is to strive for balance and variety. A diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates will ensure that a breastfeeding mother is getting all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that she needs for both her own health and the health of her baby. A good diet for breastfeeding will include lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, and whole grains and cereals.

It’s very important for new mothers to drink plenty of water because about 88 percent of breast milk is water. This means that breastfeeding mothers are likely to feel thirstier than usual. A good way for a mother to ensure she stays hydrated is to keep a glass of water nearby during a feeding.

Another dietary aspect that breastfeeding mothers should consider is fat. Healthy sources of fat for breastfeeding mothers are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These types of fat are found in things like olive oil, safflower oil, and avocados. Mothers should strive to consume healthy fats like these and avoid eating large amounts of saturated fats and trans fats. Examples of saturated fats and trans fats are butter, hydrogenated oils, and fat from meats such as beef or chicken. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid these types of unhealthy fats because they are bad for their own health and can also negatively affect the fat composition of their breast milk.

Mothers should take care to avoid certain foods and beverages such as fish that contain mercury and sugary drinks like soda or juice. While mothers can consume drinks containing alcohol or caffeine, they should not drink these things in large amounts and they should also wait a few hours after consuming them to breastfeed so as to avoid passing them through their breast milk to their babies. Mothers should also make sure to thoroughly wash any fruits and vegetables they eat so as to minimize their contact with contaminants such as pesticides. A breastfeeding mother should consult with her doctor or her baby’s pediatrician regarding any other foods or beverages she should avoid consuming.

A healthy, well-balanced diet while breastfeeding is very important for both a mother and her child. Eating well will ensure that a baby is able to get all of the nutrients that he or she needs for healthy development. Not only that, but mothers who eat healthier are more likely to feel better, recover from delivery faster, and have more energy to spend on their new babies.